Biomedical Interactive Designer

My Role: Space Junk Extreme

Space Junk Extreme


My Role: Game Designer

Just like Blood Type Bop, I was the sole contributor of this immersive virtual reality experience. This was a small exercise rather than a concrete serious game.

The player is a robot equipped with robotic arms, a trash can, and a magnet to collect space trash in outer space. The remote grab function was utilized to mimic magnetizing metal in a zero-gravity environment. When a player collects trash, they simply throw it into their attached trash can. The objective of this experience was to bring awareness to outer space pollution from pieces of spacecraft from the Earth.

The environment was created with several resources. The galaxy was from the Unity Assets store, and each planet material was provided by NASA. While gamers collect and throw away their trash, they are allowed to move around freely to explore an environment we normally cannot get the opportunity to.