Biomedical Interactive Designer

My Role: Blood Type Bop

Blood Type Bop


My Role: Game Designer

Blood Type Bop is a bubble shooter game inspired by those that were popular in the 90’s. Players may choose to “play” as one of four unique characters. Once selected, players are forwarded to a scene in which they are provided a shooter that holds a random bubble with a random blood type. They will then have to use a guide to shoot this assigned blood type bubble to one of bubbles displayed in rows above. The objective is to correctly match as many donor bubbles as possible before time runs out. Players must make sure that blood type bubbles do not build up and push into the shooter zone, as new rows randomly appear.

As the independent contributor to the game, I was responsible for all aspects including: asset creation, gaming mechanics, and instructional design. The different blood types and their respective donors were presented in a donor table panel that can appear during gameplay thanks to the click of a button. Some other mechanics included a score count, a timer, a win/lose state, pause function, and a line that guided where the bubble would be projected after hitting the space bar.

I created all characters starting with rough pencil sketches, and finished their design and color in Adobe Illustrator. These characters were added so the main player may choose to be one for a more customized gameplay. The blood bubbles and donor chart were also created in the same application.

Blood Type Bop was created to help undergraduate students quickly learn blood donor types in a more interactive, engaging manner compared to a textbook. This game was created to provide a new and fun way to learn material that can otherwise be hard to memorize for some.