Biomedical Interactive Designer

My Role: Menstruation Navigation

Menstruation Navigation


My Role: Art Direction

My role for Menstruation Navigation was art director. My teammates were responsible for designing how this board game would work, and my objective was to create a majority of the art. This included character pieces, dice, iconography, the board and spaces presented on it, and the artwork for the front sides of all cards. I also delegated the game’s overall feel and color palette.

As the art director, I relayed all of my decisions and imagery back to my teammate who completed the text for the back sides of all cards while they collaborated with my other teammate on menstruation information. We all participated in open feedback to refine the feel of our game, but overall I was responsible for directing the final artistic choices for our young, middle-school audience.

All artwork and textual elements were created in Adobe Illustrator as vector art.