Biomedical Interactive Designer

My Role: Hydrothermia



My Role: Project Manager

As the project manager for the collaborative Hydrothermia, my duty was to essentially check the progress of my teammates and lead weekly meetings. During these meetings, my teammates shared their asset creation, animations, and coding processes. We brainstormed various narratives and gaming mechanics to create engaging, yet simple gameplay. As project manager, I encouraged my teammates to bring ideas to the table yet had to respectfully make final decisions based on the feasibility of virtual reality platforms and what could be accomplished in our limited timeframe. My team looked to me for guidance at times since some members were not as experienced in VR.

Hydrothermia involved a lot of planning, and I created and maintained a folder for team members to drop in unity files, preliminary sketches, assets, and more. I also had the responsibility to to check our references for the proper characteristics of the environment and conducted research to make sure our sea creatures and information about hydrothermal vent areas were accurate.